Diabetes is said to be the most expensive disease known. But
it is preventable. It is a ‘Dietary Disease’ resulting in the metabolic
disorders. The real causes are from our
dietary habits and other man-made
chemicals that we consume or are exposed to daily. Once these causative factors
are understood and removed/corrected and the right ‘naturally produced foods’
are consumed regularly than Reversal of Diabetes can take place.
1.PROCESSED FOODS- As little as about 200 years ago diabetes
was not known. In societies where processed foods are not consumed diabetes is
very rare. Processed foods contain a very high amount of refined sugars and
starches. Our body is not made to process these artificially processed foods
but made for ‘naturally’ produced foods. Natural food nourishes and support the
body. It does not need man-made chemicals and products to maintain the life
Processed foods contains those toxic man-made chemicals such
as artificial colouring agents (dyes), favouring agents, artificial sweetener
(Aspartame), MSG, Synthetic Vitamins, Inorganic Iron, other preservatives etc.
Also during the processing of the food important life-sustaining
nutrients are striped off. Then artificial taste enhancers and preservatives
are added in order to make it tastier and to increase the shelf life of the
When we consume these toxic products our body is being
poisoned and it results in metabolic diseases, such as Diabetes, Cancer,
Arthritis, Heart diseases, MS, Lupus etc.
2.REFINED SUGAR- Refined sugar is an abnormal substance
which is fully corrupted and fabricated in the factories. It has no equivalent
in nature. Processed foods are very high in sugar and starch. And wherever
processed foods are commonly consumed diabetes is epidemic. Our body cannot
handle vast amount of sugar or starches and the internal organs, especially the
pancreas and liver are destroyed by and by. The sugar causes the internal
organs to age. It causes swellings and inflammations of organs. Thus refined
sugar destroys all vitality by poisoning and damaging the internal organs. It
encourages, accelerates and maintain the growth of toxic fungus in our body.
Fungal infection is a major recurrent problem in diabetic patient. Fungi feeds
on sugar. They love it!
Refined sugar causes heart diseases, high blood pressure,
stroke and Diabetes.
3. GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS- The genetically engineered
foods contains protein parts of viruses, bacteria and fungi, that causes
damages to our body organs, including the Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Heart etc. Consuming
such food also causes modifications of our Gene.
supplied with the right kind of foods in sufficient quantities containing all
the essential nutrients on a regular basis then diabetes and other chronic
metabolic diseases can occur.
The body is a finely tuned living engine requiring constant supply of
Oxygen, Water, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Essential Fatty Acids, Minerals and
Vitamins for it’s normal daily functions, including Growth, Repair and
Maintenance. So when there is shortages in one or all the requirements, for a
continuous long period, chronic metabolic diseases occurs. Lack of essential
minerals such as Chromium, Vanadium, Zinc, Magnesium and also essential fatty
acids (omega-3) and Vitamins (Thiamine, Niacin) can cause diabetes. Lack of the
mineral Chromium alone can cause diabetes, as Chromium is an essential
component of Insulin. Insulin regulates the blood glucose level.
5.TOXIC FACTORS- Sudden or chronic exposure to synthetic
chemicals or heavy metals can cause diabetes. These poisons accumulate in the
organs, such as Liver and Pancreas.
6.INFECTION(S)- A wide range of germs, such as Bacteria,
Viruses, Molds, Yeasts and Parasites can also cause diabetes.
complication of prescription drugs as they destroys the beta cells of the
pancreas. These drugs includes High Blood Pressure medications, Prednisone,
Cortisone and even Vaccines. Vaccines contains Mercury, Formaldehyde and other
components that causes organ damages.
8.GENETIC (HEREDITARY)- Hereditary perhaps plays a minor role in
causing diabetes. This role has been overemphasized by vested interests. Though
a person has hereditary tendency for developing diabetes is strong, if the diet
is excellent, then the diabetes will fail to develop. Thus the strength of the
genes is directly related to dietary habits. Sugar destroys important nutrients
like, Pantothenic acid, Niacin and Zinc which are required for gene repair,
Thus, in large amount sugar directly damages the genes.
N.B: Consume Green Coffee Extract to get SLIM without Exercising or Dieting!
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