
Every person will not experience the same different signs and symptoms of diabetes. In some person there may be no signs, especially in the early stage. Common signs and symptoms seen are:
  • Excessive thirst
  • Increased hunger
  • Tiredness and irritability (Short temper)
  • Frequent urination
  • Private parts emits offensive smell, despite washing it frequently
  • Ants make a bee-line into your bathroom, where you urinate. The ants love the sugar in your urine!
  • Very Clear like Distilled water-like urine. (Normal urine is slightly yellowish in colour.)
  • Lack of interest and concentration
  • A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet
  • Stiffness of the muscles due to neuropathy (Damage of Nerves) as the disease advances
  • Blurred vision
  • Weight loss in some
  • Obesity in others
  • Frequent infections, such as urinary Tract Infections (UTI), frequent sore throat and fungal infections on the tongue & mouth (Thrush)
  • Fissures on the Tongue(due to Thrush)
  • Slow wounds healing
  • Vomiting and stomach pain.
  • Sweetish smelling breathe (smell like nail polish remover). Due to very high ketones in the blood.
  • Palpitations of Heart (can feel the heart beating)
  • Vertigo (Dizziness and imbalance)
  • Sweating at night time
  • Suddenly awakening at night, becoming very fresh and unable to fall asleep again.
As mentioned above, one will not exhibit/see all the above mentioned symptoms in one person at the same time. Diabetes is a progressive chronic metabolic disorder. Hence the various symptoms will manifest as and when the disease progresses.
To the Conventional Treatment system, it is incurable. But fortunately, there are Alternative Health Care systems!

N.B: Consume Green Coffee Extract to get SLIM without Exercising or Dieting!

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