
Diabetes is a Metabolic disorder. It is neither a Sugar Disease, nor an Insulin Resistant Disease. The rise in Blood Glucose (Sugar) and the Body Cell’s resistant to Insulin’s  action on the Cells are just indicators or warning signals (symptoms) of something being wrong in the body’s normal functions. Therefore, treating Diabetes with drugs (such as Metformin) to control the elevated Blood Glucose will not solve the problem. Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control symptomatically the elevated Blood Sugar levels for people with Type 2 Diabetes. It is only managing (controlling) your Blood Glucose, not curing the real Cause. Thus drugs cannot stop or cure this disease. It only slows down the progress. It is like driving a vehicle with the Handbrake on. The Vehicle is still moving forward but at a lower speed as the Handbrake is on. Sooner or later the vehicle will breakdown. Diabetes drugs are just like the Handbrake.

Our body cells requires energy to perform it’s various normal functions and growth. The process by which the body produces energy is known as Metabolism.

When this metabolic process is disturbed or disrupted for some reason(s) then the body becomes 'out of sync' (tune) and falls ill. If this condition is not corrected then it leads to chronic metabolic disorders, such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Hypertension, Uric acid accumulation, Arteriosclerosis etc.

The foods we eat supply various nutritive components, like Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals to our body to perform it’s normal functions and repairs. When these foods are digested they are broken down into its individual parts. The Carbohydrates, Starch, Sugar etc are converted into simple sugar, called Glucose. This Glucose (Blood Sugar) is transported into the Cell, specifically into the Mitochondria (the powerhouse of the body), for energy production which the body will use.

Under normal body condition, the Insulin facilitates the entry of blood glucose into the Cells. Insulin is a Hormone primarily produced by the Beta Cells of the Pancreas. Recently, Scientists have also found that the Brain too produces a certain amount of Insulin.

Relationship between Blood Glucose & Insulin

The foods we eat are broken down in our digestive system and then gets absorbed into our blood for transportation into the cells. At this stage, there is a rise in blood glucose and the Pancreas responds by releasing adequate amount of Insulin in response to the rise in blood glucose. The Insulin facilitates the entry of Glucose into the Cell (specifically into the Mitochondria) for production of energy. The remaining Glucose are stored are ‘Reserve’ in the form of ‘Glycogen’ and Fat.

When the body runs low on blood glucose, this reserved glycogen is release into the blood stream to maintain the normal blood glucose level.

However, when the body is in an abnormal condition(s) where it is not able to produce enough Insulin or there is no Insulin production or when the body cells are unable to respond properly to the Insulin then there is an abnormal rise in the blood glucose. The high rise of Blood Glucose is termed as Diabetes. 

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